#7 WOT:Web of Trust Firefox add-on
Bloggers like me and you usually visit 20 to 30 websites a day. Most times if you belong to a traffic exchange, we are looking at 100 - 350 per day. Micro-blogging platforms also drive visits a lot. More often than not however, we get to a blog or website and it has objectionable content, or content that was very different from what drove you there. You are disappointed and most times helpless, asking: who is the internet custodian? Who will I report to? Some sites try to install hostile scripts on your computer while others simply do not have say an entrecard widget or are a pornographic site.
In my experience, the two most common scenarios are absent entrecard widgets or splogs posing as blogs. Entrecard advocates reporting the blog/site/user. I have done that a few times. The add-on here however is such that it can and will warn you when you are about to visit a site tagged dangerous/untrustworthy/unsafe for privacy or whatever. It alerts you with a danger sign.
It saves the blogger time because you automatically know that the blog has no widget so you do not go there at all. It also protects others that may otherwise want to do business with the site as to the untrustworthy nature of the site.
On the other hand, this add-on can be used to rate a site that has impressed you and is trustworthy so that others can benefit positively. I would advocate you download the WOT: Web of Trust add-on right away and install it. then give my blog a good rating and continue to surf.
See you soon and do not forget to subscribe to my RSS for the latest entries here straght to your inbox or Reader.
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