#3: Scribefire add-on for Firefox
Scribefire literally fires up a scribe. This nifty blogging tool is another killer tool that makes blogging a breeze. It is an in-built editor that handles text as well as images just like any other WYSIWYG web publishing tool. It has its own cache, so it stores your blog posts on your computer.
When you fire up the add on, it splits the screen into two, thus you can flip from tab to tab in your browser, while the blog piece you are writing still sits in front of you. That comes in handy especially when you need to refine a post, or look for references for your blog post. Some professional bloggers are silent on these wonderful add-ons that we are discussing in the series when they talk about their techniques, but I am sure they use to spin out wonderful posts.
The beauty of Scribefire is that it is adapted to upload your completed blog post to your blog once you input your sign-on details. It also keeps a copy in the tool if you like.It has an FTP transfer tool which comes in handy for pictures and larger files. It also seems to integrate well with Technorati for tags and similar content.
Whizzhack.com recently produced a demo video that further elucidates the uses of this great tool. The authors of Scribefire are not resting and are regularly updating the application. Now the latest version has a button to add videos from Youtube. You can download it here. Be sure to read the notes prior to installation.
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